Residential Services

Home is my HAPPY PLACE.
Our goal is to ensure every participant receives the supports and services they need in order to be as independent and successful as possible. We match services to their specific needs.
In each of the three arrangements, staff is made available to provide assistance for the individual at different levels. Residential arrangements are made based on the person's personality and abilities, as well as goals and aspirations. Individualized support plans are put into place to ensure the participant is living their best life. We aim for each participant to achieve a health, safety, and employment goal.
The Olean Center Residential Program provides supports to adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities who qualify for services through BHDDH (Behavioral Healthcare, Developmental Disabilities and Hospitals). Applications for services/supports must be voluntary and need to be made through contact with the Olean Center or a BHDDH intake worker/social worker. The Olean Center has no blanket exclusions from services in the agency. Each request is reviewed on an individual basis and services are provided on need and availability of appropriate resources.
This option is for individuals who reside with family members in the community. The family has more involvement with the individual's needs, but staff is also available for assistance. These services can include leisure/recreation activities, skills of daily living (such as cooking and cleaning), and social activities.
This option is for individuals who are able to live semi-independently without the need for overnight support. Participants would reside in their own apartment, with the help of staff services when needed. These services include leisure/recreation planning, daily living skills, and routine medical assessments by physicians and specialists.
This program consists of living with a chosen individual in the community. This person, called a Shared Living Provider, has to be a licensed care provider, obtain a BCI, and go through a specialized training course. Once this process is finished, an individual is matched with a provider who has similar interests and will provide the type of care and support which that particular individual requires. In this program, the individual becomes part of the provider's family. We encourage the provider to open their hearts and open their home to this individual. In this situation, the individual is supplied with their own living space and a place in the family, surrounded by the supports they need to be successful.
Karen Babik
Director of Adult Services
Phone: 401-596-2091

The Olean Center is licensed by the state of RI Department of Behavioral Healthcare,
Developmental Disabilities and Hospitals.

“Family is the most important part in everyone's lives. Some are fortunate enough to be born in to a wonderful environment, others are in need...all are deserving (whether they know it or not). If people like Jesse are shown love and appreciation, they will reciprocate those feelings and make it known. The SLA benefits allow us the ability to take someone in and provide them with the love, guidance and the safety they need, which allows all involved to reap the benefits. Jesse is a team player in our family helping to raise our boys, take care of our dogs and always making sure beds are made and laundry is folded! We couldn't imagine a day without her love, care, humor and support.”
Sejal and Tim Lanterman